remember when

17 Sept 2014

photo was taken by @kurniasn
" I love books. I love that moment when you open one and sink into it you can escape from the world, into a story that's way more interesting than yours will never be" -ES-

16 Sept 2014

"A library is miracle, a place you can learn just about anything, for free. A place where your mind can come alive"

12 Sept 2014

"Most people don't know what they want or feel. And for everyone, myself included, it's very difficult to say what you mean when what you mean is painful. The most difficult thing in the world is to reveal yourself, to express what you have to ... As an artist, I feel that we must try many thing- but above all, we must dare to fail. You must have the courage to be bad - to be willing to risk everything to really express it all."

6 Sept 2014

What's your goal?

Malaysia, September 4th 
"Mungkin karena itu aku suka bandara. Airport is the least aimless please in the world. Everything about the airport is destination. Semua yang pergi ke bandara  harus punya tujuan. Bahkan tujuan itu tercantum jelas di sebuah kertas. Boarding pass. Setiap memegang boarding pass itu, aku merasa hidupku akhirnya punya tujuan, walau tujuannya hanya berupa tiga huruf. CGK, SIN, ORD, TTE, HKG, LGA, EWR, NRT."
 Boarding pass is my mission statement in life

- Tanya, Critical Eleven-